3. API 文档

此模块依赖 Robot Web Tools 所开发的 ROS bridge suite, 通过 WebSockets 实现与 ROS 的交互。

ROS bridge protocol 使用 JSON 格式信息传输 publishing, subscribing, service calls, actionlib, TF 等 ROS 中的功能。

3.1. ROS 设置

使用本模块,必须在 ROS 环境中配置并运行rosbridge

首次连接之前,在 ROS master所在环境用以下命令安装rosbridge suite:

sudo apt-get install -y ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
sudo apt-get install -y ros-kinetic-tf2-web-republisher


roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher



3.2. 连接 ROS

与 ROS 的连接是由Ros类来处理的。除了连接和信息处理,在需要的时候它也会自动重连。

其他需要与 ROS 进行连接的类会将此实例作为其构造函数的参数接收。

class roslibpy.Ros(host, port=None, is_secure=False)

Connection manager to ROS server.

host (str): Name or IP address of the ROS bridge host, e.g. port (int): ROS bridge port, e.g. 9090. is_secure (bool): True to use a secure web sockets connection, otherwise False.
blocking_call_from_thread(callback, timeout)

Call the given function from a thread, and wait for the result synchronously for as long as the timeout will allow.

callback: Callable function to be invoked from the thread. timeout (:obj: int): Number of seconds to wait for the response before raising an exception.
The results from the callback, or a timeout exception.
call_async_service(message, callback, errback)

Send a service request to the ROS Master once the connection is established.

If a connection to ROS is already available, the request is sent immediately.

message (Message): ROS Bridge Message containing the request. callback: Callback invoked on successful execution. errback: Callback invoked on error.

Call the given function in a thread.

The threading implementation is deferred to the factory.

callback (callable): Callable function to be invoked.
call_later(delay, callback)

Call the given function after a certain period of time has passed.

delay (int): Number of seconds to wait before invoking the callback. callback (callable): Callable function to be invoked when ROS connection is ready.
call_sync_service(message, timeout)

Send a blocking service request to the ROS Master once the connection is established, waiting for the result to be return.

If a connection to ROS is already available, the request is sent immediately.

message (Message): ROS Bridge Message containing the request. timeout (:obj: int): Number of seconds to wait for the response before raising an exception.
Either returns the service request results or raises a timeout exception.

Disconnect from ROS master.


Connect to ROS master.

delete_param(name, callback=None, errback=None)

Delete parameter from the ROS Parameter Server.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
emit(event_name, *args)

Trigger a named event.

get_action_servers(callback, errback=None)

Retrieve list of action servers in ROS.

get_message_details(message_type, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve details of a message type in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
Message type details if blocking, otherwise None.
get_node_details(node, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list subscribed topics, publishing topics and services of a specific node name.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
get_nodes(callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of active node names in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
get_param(name, callback=None, errback=None)

Get the value of a parameter from the ROS Parameter Server.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
Parameter value if blocking, otherwise None.
get_params(callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of param names from the ROS Parameter Server.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
list: List of parameters if blocking, otherwise None.

Get the callback which, when called, sends the service request.

message (Message): ROS Bridge Message containing the request.
A callable which makes the service request.
get_service_request_details(type, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve details of a ROS Service Request.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
Service Request details if blocking, otherwise None.
get_service_response_details(type, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve details of a ROS Service Response.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
Service Response details if blocking, otherwise None.
get_service_type(service_name, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve the type of a service in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
str: Service type if blocking, otherwise None.
get_services(callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of active service names in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
list: List of services if blocking, otherwise None.
get_services_for_type(service_type, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of services in ROS matching the specified type.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
list: List of services matching the specified type if blocking, otherwise None.
get_topic_type(topic, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve the type of a topic in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
str: Topic type if blocking, otherwise None.
get_topics(callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of topics in ROS.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
list: List of topics if blocking, otherwise None.
get_topics_for_type(topic_type, callback=None, errback=None)

Retrieve list of topics in ROS matching the specified type.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .
list: List of topics matching the specified type if blocking, otherwise None.

Generate an auto-incremental ID starting from 1.

int: An auto-incremented ID.

Indicate if the ROS connection is open or not.

bool: True if connected to ROS, False otherwise.
off(event_name, callback=None)

Remove a callback from an arbitrary named event.

event_name (str): Name of the event from which to unsubscribe. callback: Callable function. If None, all callbacks of the event will be removed.
on(event_name, callback)

Add a callback to an arbitrary named event.

event_name (str): Name of the event to which to subscribe. callback: Callable function to be executed when the event is triggered.
on_ready(callback, run_in_thread=True)

Add a callback to be executed when the connection is established.

If a connection to ROS is already available, the callback is executed immediately.

callback: Callable function to be invoked when ROS connection is ready. run_in_thread (bool): True to run the callback in a separate thread, False otherwise.

Kick-starts a non-blocking event loop.

timeout: Timeout to wait until connection is ready.

Kick-starts a blocking loop to wait for events.

Depending on the implementations, and the client applications, running this might be required or not.


Send message to the ROS Master once the connection is established.

If a connection to ROS is already available, the message is sent immediately.

message (Message): ROS Bridge Message to send.
set_param(name, value, callback=None, errback=None)

Set the value of a parameter from the ROS Parameter Server.

To make this a blocking call, pass None to the callback parameter .

Signals the termination of the main event loop.

3.3. ROS 主要概念

3.3.1. 话题

ROS 是一个通信框架。 在 ROS 里面, 不同的 节点 通过 messages 与其它节点通信。ROS messagesMessage类中实现,并通过Topics发布/订阅模型来传输。

class roslibpy.Message(values=None)

Message objects used for publishing and subscribing to/from topics.

A message is fundamentally a dictionary and behaves as one.

class roslibpy.Topic(ros, name, message_type, compression=None, latch=False, throttle_rate=0, queue_size=100, queue_length=0, reconnect_on_close=True)

Publish and/or subscribe to a topic in ROS.

ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. name (str): Topic name, e.g. /cmd_vel. message_type (str): Message type, e.g. std_msgs/String. compression (str): Type of compression to use, e.g. png. Defaults to None. throttle_rate (int): Rate (in ms between messages) at which to throttle the topics. queue_size (int): Queue size created at bridge side for re-publishing webtopics. latch (bool): True to latch the topic when publishing, False otherwise. queue_length (int): Queue length at bridge side used when subscribing. reconnect_on_close (bool): Reconnect the topic (both for publisher and subscribers) if a reconnection is detected.

Register as a publisher for the topic.


Indicate if the topic is currently advertised or not.

bool: True if advertised as publisher of this topic, False otherwise.

Indicate if the topic is currently subscribed or not.

bool: True if subscribed to this topic, False otherwise.

Publish a message to the topic.

message (Message): ROS Bridge Message to publish.

Register a subscription to the topic.

Every time a message is published for the given topic, the callback will be called with the message object.

callback: Function to be called when messages of this topic are published.

Unregister as a publisher for the topic.


Unregister from a subscribed the topic.

3.3.2. 服务

除了话题的发布/订阅模型,ROS 还通过Services类提供了一套请求/响应模型。

class roslibpy.Service(ros, name, service_type)

Client/server of ROS services.

This class can be used both to consume other ROS services as a client, or to provide ROS services as a server.

ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. name (str): Service name, e.g. /add_two_ints. service_type (str): Service type, e.g. rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts.

Start advertising the service.

This turns the instance from a client into a server. The callback will be invoked with every request that is made to the service.

If the service is already advertised, this call does nothing.

callback: Callback invoked on every service call. It should accept two parameters: service_request and
service_response. It should return True if executed correctly, otherwise False.
call(request, callback=None, errback=None, timeout=None)

Start a service call.

The service can be used either as blocking or non-blocking. If the callback parameter is None, then the call will block until receiving a response. Otherwise, the service response will be returned in the callback.
request (ServiceRequest): Service request. callback: Callback invoked on successful execution. errback: Callback invoked on error. timeout: Timeout for the operation, in seconds. Only used if blocking.
object: Service response if used as a blocking call, otherwise None.

Service servers are registered as advertised on ROS.

This class can be used to be a service client or a server.

bool: True if this is a server, False otherwise.

Unregister as a service server.

class roslibpy.ServiceRequest(values=None)

Request for a service call.

class roslibpy.ServiceResponse(values=None)

Response returned from a service call.

3.3.3. 参数服务器

ROS 提供了用于在不同节点之间分享数据的参数服务器。该服务通过Param类来实现。

class roslibpy.Param(ros, name)

A ROS parameter.

ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. name (str): Parameter name, e.g. max_vel_x.
delete(callback=None, errback=None, timeout=None)

Delete the parameter.

This method can be used either as blocking or non-blocking. If the callback parameter is None, the call will block until completion.
callback: Callable function to be invoked when the operation is completed. errback: Callback invoked on error. timeout: Timeout for the operation, in seconds. Only used if blocking.
get(callback=None, errback=None, timeout=None)

Fetch the current value of the parameter.

This method can be used either as blocking or non-blocking. If the callback parameter is None, the call will block and return the parameter value. Otherwise, the parameter value will be passed on to the callback.
callback: Callable function to be invoked when the operation is completed. errback: Callback invoked on error. timeout: Timeout for the operation, in seconds. Only used if blocking.
object: Parameter value if used as a blocking call, otherwise None.
set(value, callback=None, errback=None, timeout=None)

Set a new value to the parameter.

This method can be used either as blocking or non-blocking. If the callback parameter is None, the call will block until completion.
callback: Callable function to be invoked when the operation is completed. errback: Callback invoked on error. timeout: Timeout for the operation, in seconds. Only used if blocking.

3.4. Actionlib

另一个与 ROS 建立通讯的方法是通过 actionlib 栈。ROS 中的 Actions 允许执行可抢占任务,即可以被客户端中断的任务。

Actions 通过ActionClient类来使用,它可以添加Goals类。每个 goal 都可以发射出可侦听的事件,以便接收者对来自 Action 服务器的更新作出反应。可被发射的事件有四种:statusresultfeedbacktimeout

class roslibpy.actionlib.Goal(action_client, goal_message)

Goal for an action server.

After an event has been added to an action client, it will emit different events to indicate its progress:

  • status: fires to notify clients on the current state of the goal.
  • feedback: fires to send clients periodic auxiliary information of the goal.
  • result: fires to send clients the result upon completion of the goal.
  • timeout: fires when the goal did not complete in the specified timeout window.
action_client (ActionClient): Instance of the action client associated with the goal. goal_message (Message): Goal for the action server.

Cancel the current goal.


Indicate if the goal is finished or not.

bool: True if finished, False otherwise.
send(result_callback=None, timeout=None)

Send goal to the action server.

timeout (int): Timeout for the goal's result expressed in seconds. callback (callable): Function to be called when a result is received. It is a shorthand for hooking on the result event.

Block until the result is available.

If timeout is None, it will wait indefinitely.

timeout (int): Timeout to wait for the result expressed in seconds.
Result of the goal.
class roslibpy.actionlib.ActionClient(ros, server_name, action_name, timeout=None, omit_feedback=False, omit_status=False, omit_result=False)

Client to use ROS actions.

ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. server_name (str): Action server name, e.g. /fibonacci. action_name (str): Action message name, e.g. actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciAction. timeout (int): Deprecated. Connection timeout, expressed in seconds.

Add a goal to this action client.

goal (Goal): Goal to add.

Cancel all goals associated with this action client.


Unsubscribe and unadvertise all topics associated with this action client.

class roslibpy.actionlib.SimpleActionServer(ros, server_name, action_name)

Implementation of the simple action server.

The server emits the following events:

  • goal: fires when a new goal has been received by the server.
  • cancel: fires when the client has requested the cancellation of the action.
ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. server_name (str): Action server name, e.g. /fibonacci. action_name (str): Action message name, e.g. actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciAction.

Indicate whether the client has requested preemption of the current goal.


Send feedback.

feedback (dict): Dictionary of key/values of the feedback message.

Set the current action to preempted (cancelled).


Set the current action state to succeeded.

result (dict): Dictionary of key/values to set as the result of the action.

Start the action server.

action_callback: Callable function to be invoked when a new goal is received. It takes one paramter containing the goal message.
class roslibpy.actionlib.GoalStatus

Valid goal statuses.

3.5. TF

ROS 提供了一个非常强大的转换库,叫做 TF2,允许用户随时跟踪多个坐标系。 roslibpy 库通过TFClient类与 tf2_web_republisher 连接来提供对它的访问。

class roslibpy.tf.TFClient(ros, fixed_frame='/base_link', angular_threshold=2.0, translation_threshold=0.01, rate=10.0, update_delay=50, topic_timeout=2000.0, server_name='/tf2_web_republisher', repub_service_name='/republish_tfs')

A TF Client that listens to TFs from tf2_web_republisher.

ros (Ros): Instance of the ROS connection. fixed_frame (str): Fixed frame, e.g. /base_link. angular_threshold (float): Angular threshold for the TF republisher. translation_threshold (float): Translation threshold for the TF republisher. rate (float): Rate for the TF republisher. update_delay (int): Time expressed in milliseconds to wait after a new subscription to update the TF republisher's list of TFs. topic_timeout (int): Timeout parameter for the TF republisher expressed in milliseconds. repub_service_name (str): Name of the republish tfs service, e.g. /republish_tfs.

Unsubscribe and unadvertise all topics associated with this instance.

subscribe(frame_id, callback)

Subscribe to the given TF frame.

frame_id (str): TF frame identifier to subscribe to. callback (callable): A callable functions receiving one parameter with transform data.
unsubscribe(frame_id, callback)

Unsubscribe from the given TF frame.

frame_id (str): TF frame identifier to unsubscribe from. callback (callable): The callback function to remove.

Send a new service request to the tf2_web_republisher based on the current list of TFs.